Thursday, February 21, 2008

The worst of sinners

Kelley and I just finished reading chapter 2 together. I never thought God would grant me such joy and peace by reminding me that I (like Paul to Timothy) am the worst of sinners. The world would have us believe this is somehow contradictory. After all, people are generally good by nature, right? Oh, friends, let us embrace our depravity! Seeing my marraige this way does two amazing things: 1.) Most importantly it magnifies the glory of the grace of God through Jesus Christ, and 2.) It gives me a new perspective on the interactions in my family that cause pity parties, provoke anger, prompt cheap shots, or any other action done under the auspice of "I deserve to feel better." These actions have nothing to do with my wife "wronging" me, they have everything to do with my own disgusting sin. Praise be to the perfect and holy God who allowed His own son's blood to be shed so He can still look upon filth like me!

1 comment:

Mike Simmons said...

This truth has not only changed my marriage but my life. I love to look for and embrace excuses instead of understanding that my problem is simple yet profound...sin. Only when we see the gravity of our sin does the solution of the cross make sense. It is the cross the communicates our incredible sin and need for the shocking solution; that God would become flesh, live a sinless life among sinners, and shed his blood on the cross for our atonement. We are definitly great sinners and He is a great Savior. Amazing Grace! Thank you, John for a great post.