Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chapter Two

Lord willing, I am hoping to do the same thing with this chapter as with chapter one, discuss some of the highlights. It is amazing how liberating the news of who we really are is, sinners that have one main problem...ourselves. How we should agree with Paul when he told Timothy that Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom he was the worst. Now if Paul, the writer of most of the New Testament, said that, what is our response? May we see the absolute necessity to look at our sin in light of what it cost our Savior.
Tim Keller said, 'We are more wicked than we could ever imagine and more loved than we could ever hope." Harvey stressed that Paul always saw his sinfulness in light of God's holiness, and God's mercy in the face of his sin. May we stop long enough this week to meditate on these truths and apply them to our marriage. It is so easy to get into our same routines, leaning on our own understanding and denying the word of truth.

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